First signs of summer. Some sewing projects.

This year has been a year of changes in our lives, lots of obstacles, goals to accomplish, moves and transitions  and honestly is all my sewing that has kept me sane and motivated to keep going and hope for amazing things to come in the future.

But I want to thank a very special person in my life, an amazing human being, he’s a very unconditional friend, partner, son, brother, and my husband. We make a great team together and my love for him is endless, the love he gives me is inspiring and I hope more people around us would give themselves a chance to see him like I do. My kids are lucky to have a great father like him, I couldn’t have asked for more in this life. Thank you Philip.

I’m very grateful for what we have now, not for what we don’t have or wish to have. I have never taken things for granted, and life has taught me that since I was very young. But in these fast pace of life we are all having sometimes, you tend to forget your religion if you have one, your mantras, your spirit, your confidence, life puts you to the test constantly.

I thought that at my 40’s I would have had my life figure out, or that I was a very humble and tolerant person among other things…turns out I was not!! So, with my sewing space at home, that has been giving me all this time lots of courage, lots of “thinking time” and peace of mind without losing perspective of our main problems that need to be fix.

Thank you guys (sewing community: IG, FB, Blog) for inspiring me everyday, for the support that you guys give me without knowing your doing it. You crafty, artistic, creative women/men are amazing and I love each of you and the work you do.

I don’t want this to turn into a whiny little post. But just wanted to say that and put it out there, don’t know why.

Now, I want to share something I made yesterday and a few days back for Gaby my daughter.

Summer is here in Canada, and in most places around the globe. I always look forward to this season, until it gets unbearably hot and then I wish for cold winter days…?


I made these cute overalls for Gaby. Pattern is from a japanese pattern book called Kana’s Standard for Kids, C-4 , instead of pants turned them into shorts.  Made a small mistake with the straps but I was able to fix them and you can’t see it. I think I cut them too short so I had to add 8cm to lengthen them. It all worked out. She has been asking them for a long time, and I couldn’t find the right material for this project. Then I went and look in my stash and found this gorgeous denim in such a soft drape. I need to find something like this again for some shorts or skirts for me or the kids. I bought this fabric last year on our last camping trip in California, in a cute fabric store up in Eureka named Eureka Fabrics!


Happy Sewing and Happy Wednesday!




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